English language arts
Developing Explanations Editing Station
This is an editable resource that enables students to review their work and supports their editing process. It provides them with guidance on what good explanations need, shows the difference between sequential explanations and casual. Gives sentence starters and reflection points too.
Literacy Marking Aid
labels have been created that can be printed and then stuck directly into student’s books. The idea behind the stickers is for you to identify the literacy error and then to stick the rule and example into their exercise book or onto their work so that they can correct the errors.
The labels can be changed to fit onto any size.
Editing Station- How to include Contextual Knowledge
An editable resource that supports students in editing their extended writing to ensure that they have used contextual knowledge to support their points.
It provides students with using contextual knowledge to analyse a source, although this could be removed if not appropriate. It gives examples of connectives from the point and connectives to the explanation to follow the PEEL paragraph structure. There are 4 reflection questions for students to consider too.